Sunday, October 11, 2009


New place?? This time in Brunei. Check it out...

Beautiful Mosque in Bandar Seri Begawan

Nite @Mosque

Oil station on water @ Kg. Air

Heaven....why Malaysia banned firecrackers?

Transformers....I want to Bumblebee, but why transform to mail box????

Bounty Hunters @ Jerudong Park

Holiday in Labuan

This time, check out our journey to Labuan.......thanks for everything (",)

Ready for Kampung Air Boat Ride

After enjoying the steamboat....

Main activities for Labuan

I believe I can fly....

I'm flying again

Scenery of Labuan from a hill

At the chimney...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lobster's Sensation

Have anyone ever taste the juicy of lobster?'s time for us to feel the sensation and more important thing, we got 2 lobsters for only RM35 (still alive maa....)

I'm Alive....

After cook, yummy.....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Niah Cave and Bintulu... here we come

Long weekend, what else to do after scratching head at work, so kite enjoy....

Kenape x percaya??

One hand only......

Still remember the History Book back in school....rite now just in front of my eyes, yahooo.......

Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End

kembara ooo... kembara

Warga2 di perantauan...

Fraser's Trip....

Cuti-cuti Malaysia, this time the destination was Fraser's Hill. Not so busy compare to Cameron but still ok for vacation, really appreciate the beautiful of Malaysia....
At the landmark....

Scenery from the apartment....ZZZZZ

Its like an ocean on top of the hill....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Convo Day

Well,eventhough the convocation already end but the memories will still remain in every hearts. One day that can be interpreted into thousand words.I don't know if I've any chances to be in this moment again mmm......

Big smile in every faces (",)

Dean and Dean???

Me and guys....

Me and girlz....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Waiting for D-Day

Now is the time for us to count the D-Day, the day that we're waiting for 4 years. It's convocation day yahoo...But for me, it's a little bit upset coz both of my parents are in Tanah Suci for Haj season. That means I'll convo alone (rasa nak menangis). But thinking again, with all my friends around, its ok for me. I hope my parents will going back to Malaysia safely. So pals, see ya on D-Day...lalalalala......

Monday, July 28, 2008


Is your life gave you enough chances to choose what u want? It may come with many answers or with many excuses. I like to borrow the phrases from "Forrest Gump" movie; Life's like a box of chocolate, you just don't know what you'll get. Things in life may not as good or as easy as what we think. It sometimes come with full package,full of surprises. That what we called life=UNEXPECTED.
But after all, it goes to us to choose our destiny coz god will not change our fate if we not giving any try to ourself. So why we must thinking too long to get what we want. It's ok to think before taken any action but we might losing something or someone that really important to us if we taking too much time. And that feeling may be haunting you for the rest of your life (Is that sound scary??).
What ever it is,for sure we only got once life and So guys make full use of it and just break the wall that hiding our true colours.........

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Man's Nowadays

Ha...look into the man's world nowadays. Men now are talented in every inches. Men can be the opposite but for the good ones la. Men can cook as good as women even more than that, so jgn jeles ye syg (",)

Yam Soi. Let's Makan !!

Cheers. Bon Appetite !!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

weekend activities

absolutely.. there's nothing more important than having fun after enjoying a week of working in office for 40 hours.. ( did i mention enjoying working, shit.. didnt realized i've become workcoholic.)

This weekend, will be a gathering for each of us,. hazim, pie fuzzy, epin aiya, syukri syuk, pejal dekan and me ) loytering around Kuala Lumpur's night along with bimbo's walking aorund us..

If lucky we will be going to Genting Highland to ( citer kote) kat sane le..

finally and foremost.,, all this kind of activities really needs money and i hate to waste money..
Frens are hard to find... So , be grateful that there are frens who still appreciate u!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Langkawi Here We Come

The time has come to isolate from the hustle and bustle of the city and the all days burden of works. This time we are taking our ways to Langkawi, one of the most beautiful island in the world and it's in Malaysia. We proud of it. Malaysia Boleh!!!!.Enjoy the pictures, guys. Next trip.....Karambunai or Bali. Be prepared (",)
Three Stoges???

First Timer Flight Experience

Finally We Arrive (",)

At Sandy White Beach

Take A Break!!!

Top of The World!!!!

The Engineer's Assembly

Island Hip hop!! Ops Island Hopping


The weekend is just a perfect time to give a break for tight schedule of works. The activities that being organized either with family, friends,special friends, and may be alone should be worthy coz we only live once and no turning back. So all the experiences that we got should create a better person. Because this day should be better than yesterday and tomorrow should be much much better than this day Or we'll be a loser guy.....